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Welcome to my personal portfolio website. Here, I showcase my personal and professional achievements. My experience includes working with top companies and clients, and I am constantly seeking new challenges. Get to know me better by exploring my work below.

Bounding Box

Bounding box annotation is a process of manually labeling or annotating an image with a bounding box around a specific object or feature of interest. This type of annotation techniques is commonly used in computer vision and machine learning applications, particularly in the field of object detection.

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By using polygon labeling techniques annotators can trace the outline of each relevant class. For example an image of road traffic would be separated, by pixel, into the classes: road, pedestrian, sidewalk, sky, etc.

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Key Point Annotation

Keypoint annotation is a crucial process in the field of computer vision that involves marking specific points or 'keypoints' on an object within an image or video frame.

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